Training / Studying

We work with our education partners to support students in choosing their careers. We offer trial apprenticeships and guided company tours and take part in careers information days and job fairs to give young people an insight into day-to-day working life in the Glas Trösch Group.
We offer our students freedom and opportunities for development. We want to train entrepreneurially thinking, flexible and persevering personalities who stay with enthusiasm and are sustainably successful.
Qualified and friendly trainers and modern workplaces are waiting for our apprentices. We offer you various career opportunities to choose from.


Apprenticeship as a businessman (m/f) Apprenticeship as a Professional Driver (m/f/x)
Apprenticeship as a glazier (m/f) Apprenticeship as a Management Assistant in Warehousing and Logistics (m/f/x)
Apprenticeship as an automation technician (m/f) Apprenticeship as a Flat Glass Technologist (m/f/x)
Apprenticeship as computer scientist (m/f) Apprenticeship as an Industrial Business Management Assistant (m/f/x)
Apprenticeship as a logistician (m/f) Apprenticeship as a Management Assistant in Wholesale and Foreign Trade (m/f/x)
Apprenticeship as a mediamatics technician (m/f) Apprenticeship as a Process Mechanic for Glass Technology (m/f/x)
Students and graduates Apprenticeship as Media Technologist (m/f/x)
Dual Study Programme (m/f/x)
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